Society of Women Artists, Mall Galleries, 2024

Society of Women Artists, Mall Galleries, 2024

Derby Print Open,  Award Winner, 2024

Derby Print Open,  Award Winner, 2024

RBSA Print, 2024

Leamington Spa Open, 2024

Traces, Deda Derby, 2024

Green & Stone, London, 2024

ING Discerning Eye, Mall Galleries, 2023

ING Discerning Eye, Mall Galleries, 2023

Artists and Illustrators Mag, August 2023

Ironbridge Print Show, 2023

Ironbridge Print Show, 2023

Contemporary Collage Magazine, 2023

Derby Print Open,    Award Winner, 2023

Picture, London, 2023

Portrait Artist of the Year, contestent 2022

Portrait Artist of the Year, contestent 2022